How is scaling and root planing different from a regular dental cleaning?

How is scaling and root planing different from a regular dental cleaning?

When it comes to maintaining oral health, not all dental cleanings are the same. You may have heard of both regular cleanings and scaling and root planing, but what exactly sets them apart? Put simply, scaling and root planing are treatments that clean the teeth and gums more extensively than regular dental cleanings do. 

Scaling and Root Planing

When plaque, tartar, or bacteria have collected underneath your gums, chances are you will need scaling and root planing. Root planing is where the root of the tooth is cleaned anywhere there is a bacterial infection under the gums. Scaling is used on the surface of the tooth to clear away plaque and tartar. 

These treatments work to fight against gum disease and can help keep the problem from progressing. You may require a deep cleaning with scaling and root planing if you have red, swollen, or bleeding gums, chronic bad breath, or gum recession.

For these procedures, a local anesthetic is used to numb the gums. A variety of special tools then remove any buildup of tartar and plaque on the tooth and beneath the gums. The scaling and root planing process may take more than one appointment and require a follow-up to ensure the treatment was successful. 

General Cleanings

While scaling and root planing are often necessary treatments, general cleanings are completed as a preventive oral health measure twice every year. These cleanings include an oral examination to check for cavities and other oral issues. They also include mild scaling to remove plaque and tartar, teeth polish, flossing, and fluoride treatment. 

Whether you are looking for a deep or general cleaning, call our office and schedule an appointment today!

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