Common Questions About Sleep Dentistry

Common Questions About Sleep Dentistry

Have you ever wished you could be unconscious during your dentist appointment to ease some common dental anxiety? Well, you may actually have that option for certain procedures and situations. We’ve answered a few common questions about sleep dentistry to help you decide if it’s the right option for you!

What is sleep dentistry?

Sleep dentistry is the use of anesthetics to put a patient to sleep during a dental procedure. Sleep dentistry is sometimes confused with sedation dentistry, which includes a range of sedation methods and often means a patient will remain conscious during the procedure. However, with sleep dentistry, a patient will be completely unconscious throughout the experience.

When should I consider sleep dentistry?

Sleep dentistry is typically reserved for very invasive or complex procedures, such as oral surgery. It can also be an effective option for patients who experience extreme dental anxiety. 

Are there risks?

There are always risks associated with undergoing anesthesia, whether you’re having surgery in a hospital or getting a root canal at the dentist. It is very safe overall, but patients who undergo anesthesia do experience longer recovery times than patients who remain conscious. 

Certain pre-existing medical conditions and allergies can increase a patient’s risk of adverse side effects. Here at Midland Family Dental, we can help you determine if anesthesia is a good option for you.

What are the benefits?

Sleep dentistry can help patients in many ways, especially by offering peace of mind to those who have severe anxiety or need to undergo complicated procedures that can be scary. Additionally, sleep dentistry means:

  • Faster and smoother dental procedures

  • Less stress and anxiety about visiting the dentist

  • A pain-free experience

  • Little or no memory of dental procedures

We’d love to answer any additional questions you have about sleep dentistry. Give us a call at (801) 317-4407, or stop by our office today!

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