Benefits of Removing Wisdom Teeth

Benefits of Removing Wisdom Teeth

So, what’s the big deal about wisdom teeth? Is it really that important to have them extracted? Here are four important benefits to wisdom teeth removal:

1. Maintain the aesthetics of your smile

If you’ve ever worn braces or retainers to straighten your teeth, you know it can be a long, expensive, and even painful process. You want to keep your teeth as nice and straight as possible (and the same goes for those with naturally straight teeth)! One of the main problems wisdom teeth can cause is crowding. They will push other teeth aside to grow in, which leads to misalignment. 

2. Protect your jaw and gums

When wisdom teeth push their way in and shift other teeth in the process, it can cause major damage. Jaw complications increase if a wisdom tooth is impacted, meaning it’s fully or partially covered by gums or bone. This can lead to swelling, damaged bone structure, and even cysts or tumors in the jaw. It can also increase your likelihood of developing cavities.

The gum complications are just as uninviting. Wisdom teeth can cause inflammation, bleeding, irritation, and loss of gums. Inflamed gums are painful to clean, which can lead to pockets of harmful bacteria developing.

3. Reduce headaches

Headaches can come from a variety of sources, but wisdom teeth frequently lead to painful headaches due to the pressure they place on the gums, jaw, and surrounding teeth. Having your wisdom teeth removed will eliminate these types of headaches.

4. Save yourself time, money, and discomfort

Wisdom teeth can lead to many other minor problems in addition to the more serious ones already noted. Even if your wisdom teeth themselves don’t hurt as they grow in, most will eventually cause complications that are painful and expensive to treat.

We’re happy to answer any additional questions you have about the benefits of removing wisdom teeth or the removal process. Give us a call at (801) 317-4407 or stop by our office today! 

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