What is the Best Age for Braces?


Between 50-70% of children in the US will need braces before adulthood. If you are a parent, it is very likely that your child will need braces, but it can be tricky to know when they are at the right age.

Braces for Kids

You may be surprised to learn that there is no age that is the universal best age to get braces. This is because every child is unique, so what may be the best age for one child will not be the best age for all children to begin braces treatment. The ideal time for a child to get braces depends on the child’s teeth and your dentist’s/orthodontist’s recommendations.

The majority of orthodontists agree on a range of ages that are best for getting braces, in the pre-adolescent stage of 10 to 14 years old. This window of time is best for braces because most children will have all their permanent teeth by age 10. This stage is also before they hit puberty, so their jawbone is not fully developed yet and has softer tissue, making it easier to shift the teeth.

Braces for Adults

Adults can get braces, too, whether you’ve never had braces before, or you had braces as a child and your teeth relapsed. In fact, 20% of orthodontic patients are adults.

There is also no best age in adulthood to get braces. The best time for you depends on your goals and what your orthodontist recommends. Because your bones are fully developed, shifting the teeth will be a slower process and your total time of treatment will probably be longer compared to a child’s treatment time. The average treatment time for adults is two years.

If you are considering braces for yourself or your child, call Midland Dental & Oasis Kids and Orthodontics in Roy, Utah to schedule a consultation today!

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