How Do Braces Work?

How Do Braces Work?

It is extremely rare for a person to have perfectly straight teeth for their entire life. Many people choose to get orthodontic braces to properly align their teeth. If you are getting braces, you might find it helpful to know just how the contraption straightens your teeth.

Parts of Braces

Braces consist of several parts that work together to reposition teeth: brackets, elastic bands, and archwires. The first step when placing braces is to adhere the metal, ceramic, or plastic brackets to the front surfaces of the teeth using dental glue. The archwire (made of stainless steel, nickel titanium, or copper titanium) is then threaded through each bracket. Then the elastic bands, also called O-rings or ligatures, are secured to each bracket to hold the archwire in place.

Regular Adjustments

During your braces treatment, you will have regular visits to your orthodontist, usually once a month. At each visit, your orthodontist will assess your teeth’s progress and adjust the braces accordingly. He or she will adjust your braces by pulling the archwire tighter through the brackets, which will put more pressure on the teeth and pull them into alignment. When the archwires are tightened and pressure on the teeth is increased, the bone tissue breaks down where pressure is applied, and new bone is formed on the other side. Constant pressure on the teeth is what makes braces work.

Do you have more questions about braces? Don’t hesitate to call Midland Dental & Oasis Kids and Orthodontics!

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