Do baby teeth matter?
Humans only have baby teeth for about 6 years, so is caring for them really that important? The answer is, yes! Research has shown that the quality of oral health care a child receives can significantly affect their oral health when they are older.
Proper baby teeth care has many benefits and can protect against pain and discomfort, especially for little ones.
Caring for baby teeth is important because:
Baby teeth can affect proper speech and eating.
They affect the alignment of the future adult teeth.
Proper care can save time and money.
Cavities can develop as soon as baby teeth come in.
Improper oral care may lead to braces in the future.
Caring For Baby Teeth
Here are some ways to take care of baby teeth:
Take your child to the dentist often. Professional cleanings are recommended every six months.
Don’t allow children to use bottles in bed. Prolonged exposure to milk at night can cause sugars to sit on the teeth, leading to tooth decay.
Don’t share pacifiers, spoons, or cups. Bacteria can easily transfer from mouth to mouth.
Stay away from sugary drinks and treats, which can cause cavities.
Ensure that the teeth are getting enough fluoride. Fluoride strengthens the tooth’s enamel and protects against cavities and tooth decay.
Midland Dental can help you care for your child’s teeth, setting them on the path to successful oral health throughout their life! Contact our office today to schedule an appointment.